GNS - Spring 2016

To make a very beautiful and inexpensive golden color

Workflow and Safety Protocol for [Insert Chemical Name Here]





<head>To make a very beautiful and inexpensive golden color</head>

<ab>First of all take a very yellow <m>orange peel</m> and carefully remove the white parts, and pulverize it very well it in a very clean mortar. Take the same amount of <m>sulphur</m>, grind all the ingredients together, pour the mixture into a glass vial, and store it in a cellar or other damp place for eight or ten days. When you want to apply it, you must warm the mixture and apply it wherever you like and you will see a very beautiful color. </ab>


Materials Needed:



Seville Bitter Oranges (Indigenous to Toulouse)


Lab Inventory:

 2.5 lbs powder; under SW fume hood

Tools Needed:



Mortar (Stone)

Lab Inventory:

2; NE

[Glass Vial

Amazon: 1 dram, 2 dram]

(Palette) Knife

Lab Inventory:

23; SE

(2) 100 ml beakers

Lab Inventory

12; SW

(Hot Plate) for warm water

Lab Inventory

Workstation Setup (where will you work? how will your workstation be prepared?):

Outline of your Experiment (what will be your workflow, start to finish? ):


Vary damp locations

Use Different Orange Varieties

        Does the freshness and/or moisture content of the peel matter

Vary length of time grinding

Vary sulfur state (liquid)

MATERIAL 1: Oranges

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

MATERIAL 2: Sulfur

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

Projected Waste:

Waste will likely be produced from:

the removal of the orange fruit from the peel (trash/organic waste)

the removal of the rind from the peel (trash/ organic waste)

the residue of sulfur on measuring utensils

residue of sulfur and orange peel on mortar and pestle, paintbrush
