Matte Gold Protocol: Day 1





<head><m>Dorer</m> mouleure de tableaulx d<m>or</m> mat</head>

<ab>voy de laultre part de ce foeillet cest marque <figure>*</figure></ab>

<ab>Les <pl>flaments</pl> donnent une couche de <m>colle a destrempe</m> sur la mouleure<lb/>

puys destrempent du <m>noir de lampe</m> ou <m>noir a noircir</m> avecq de la mesme<lb/>

<m>colle</m> & laissent seicher apres ilz poncent aulx angles quelque moresque<lb/>

& la peignent avecq du <m>minium</m> du <m>massicot</m> & <m>ocre de ru</m> et un peu d<m>ocre jaulne</m> destrempes avecq<lb/>

<m>huile</m> gras dans lequel ilz nettoyent leurs pinceaulx a <m>huile</m> Pourceque les<lb/>

trois couleurs susdictes sont gripantes & bien tost seiches <del>E</del>Apres ilz posent<lb/>

l<m>or</m> puys vernissent le tout pardessus Et semble par ce moyen a quelques<lb/>

ungs que tout ce noir soict painct a <m>huile</m> Mays il ne seroit pas bon pourceque lo{r}<lb/>

sattaqueroit par tout & non pas seulem{ent} a la moresque Retourne hault a ce <figure>*</figure></ab>




<head><m>Or mat</m></head>

Il se faict de <m>massicot</m><lb/>

de <m>mine docre de<lb/>

ru</m> & d<m>ocre jaulne</m><lb/>

affin que la composition<lb/>

retire a l<m>or Dore</m><lb/>

le lendemain <del>un jo</del><lb/>

quil est pose si tu as <del>dans la</del><lb/>

fais lassiete le soir de la couleur<lb/>

Apres avoyr <m>dore</m> laisse le seicher<lb/>

& reposer un<lb/>

jour apres frote la <m>doreure</m><lb/>

avecq une <m>plume</m> & du <m>cotton</m> affin<lb/>

quil ny demeure aulcune bave<lb/>

puys vernis de vernis de <pl>flandres</pl><lb/>

que tu fais mesle dun peu d<m>eau de vye</m><lb/>

pour le rendre desiccatif<lb/>

Le vernis sera<lb/>

sec dans une heure Il augmentera<lb/>

la couleur de l<m>or</m><lb/>

Et cest <m>or mat</m><lb/>

tient a la pluye<lb/>

encores quon frotte<lb/>

Mays quil soict<lb/>

bien sec de huict<lb/>

ou dix jours<lb/>

si l<m>eau</m> y touche Mays l<m>or mat</m>L<m>or couleur</m> qui se<lb/>

faict de couleurs<lb/>

diverses nettoyes<lb/>

des pinceaulx a<lb/>

<m>huile</m> nest pas si bon & avecq le temps<lb/>

ternist l<m>or</m> a cause du <m>verdegris</m> Il ne<lb/>

fault pas toucher du doigt la couche faicte por l<m>or</m> car cela le garderoit de si attaquer L<m>or moulu</m> se gaste<lb/>

 tient fort a la pluye & dans l<m>eau</m> Il ne le fault pas brunir car la dent lemporte[roit]<lb/>

Amasse ces baves & petits<lb/>

lambeaulx que le <m>cotton</m> faict eslever quand l<m>or</m> est sec & que tu le nettoyent Car lonce est aulta{n}t d<m>or</m> En <pl>flandres</pl> les<lb/>

femmes <del>font</del> <m>dorent</m><lb/>

Il est plus beau quand il est<lb/>

un peu espes Mays en <pl>fra{n}ce</pl><lb/>

le battent trop delie</ab>

<ab>Sur <m>toile</m> & a<lb/>

destrempe on <m>dore</m><lb/>

avecq du <m>bol</m> &<lb/>

du <m>miel</m> & un<lb/>

peu de <m>suc dail</m></ab>

<ab>Halene sur l<m>or couleur</m> et sil ternist<lb/>

il est asses sec mays sil ne recoit point<lb/>

la vapeur de lhalene il ne lest pas asses</ab>

<ab>Il ne fault<lb/>

pas <m>dorer</m> d<m>or<lb/>

mat</m> apres <del>avecq</del><lb/>

avoyr <m>dore</m><lb/>

Mays attendre<lb/>

un jour ou une<lb/>

nuit <del>Mays advise<lb/>

qu’il ne</del> Et lors<lb/>

estant co{mm}e sec il<lb/>

grippe l<m>or</m> apres<lb/>

on vernit</note>




<ab>Pour fayre beau<lb/>

l’<m>or</m> mat, mets y<lb/>

un peu de vernis<lb/>

ou d’<m>huile</m> gras,<lb/>

non pas de celuy<lb/>

qui est faict du<lb/>

nettoyement des<lb/>

pinceaulx mays<lb/>

de celuy pur qui<lb/>

se faict gras<lb/>

au soleil, ou<lb/>

mesle de <m>ceruse</m></ab>


<ab>L’<m>or</m> mat de ceste<lb/>

sorte n’est gueres</lb>

moins beau<lb/>

que l’or <m>bruny</m>,<lb/>

et dure d’ava{n}tage à la<lb/>

pluye & aultrem{ent}, & <corr>est</corr> plus tost faict.<lb/>

L’<m>or</m> bruny s’esclate<lb/>

avecq le temps<lb/>

& se deffaict<lb/>

à la pluye.<lb/></ab>




Quand l’<m>or couleur</m> commence<lb/>

à gripper, c’est signe que dans<lb/>

dix ou douze heures il sera sec<lb/>

& propre à <m>dorer</m>.</note>





<head>To <m>gild</m> paintings’ mouldings with matte <m>gold</m></head>

<ab>See on the other side of this folio this mark: <figure>*</figure></ab>

<ab>The <pl>Flemish</pl> apply one coat of distempered <m>glue</m> on the moulding, then they distemper some <m>lamp black</m> or <m>soot black</m> with this same <m>glue</m> and leave it to dry. They polish the corners of a few Moresque <sup>ornamentations</sup> and paint them with <m>minium</m>, <m>massicot</m>, <m>ocher de ru</m>, and a bit of <m>yellow ocher</m> distempered with greasy <m>oil</m> in which they clean their <m>oil</m> brushes, because the three aforesaid colors are adherent and dry quickly. After that, they apply the <m>gold</m> and then varnish upon it, and it seems to some that by this means all the black is painted in <m>oil</m>. But it will not be good because the <m>gold</m> can be attacked everywhere and not only on the Moresque <sup>ornamentations</sup>. Go back to the top following this <figure>*</figure></ab>




<head>Matte <m>gold</m></head>

It is made with it with <m>massicot</m>, the <m>ore of ochre de ru</m>, and <m>yellow ocher</m>. In order that the composition tends toward <m>gilded</m> <m>gold</m> on the day after it is applied, if you made the underlayer the evening that you made the color, after having <m>gilded</m>, leave it to dry and rest for one day. After that, rub the <m>gilding</m> with a <m>feather</m> and with <m>cotton</m> so that no flaw will remain, then varnish with <pl>Flanders</pl> varnish that you mix with a bit of <m>spirits</m> in order to make it desiccative. The varnish will be dry in an hour. It will enhance the color of <m>gold</m>. And this matte <m>gold</m> is resistant to the rain provided that you rub it, but it must be dry for eight or ten days. <m>Gold</m> color that is made of various colors from the cleaning of <m>oil</m> brushes is not so good and with time it tarnishes the <m>gold</m> as a result of the <m>verdigris</m>. You must not touch the coat made with gold with your fingers because it will prevent it <sup>the <m>verdigris</m></sup> from attacking it. The moulded[a] <m>gold</m> is spoiled if it touches <m>water</m>, but matte <m>gold</m> is resistant in the rain and in <m>water</m>. You must not burnish it because the tooth would remove it. Collect the imperfections and scraps that you have removed with <m>cotton</m> when the <m>gold</m> is dry and you clean it, because an ounce is worth as much as <m>gold</m>. In <pl>Flanders</pl> the women <m>gild</m>. It is more beautiful when it is a little thick but in <pl>France</pl> they beat it too delicately. On <m>canvas</m> and in distemper one <m>gilds</m> with <m>bol</m>, and <m>honey</m>, and a bit of <m>garlic juice</m>. Breathe on the <m>gold</m> color and if it clouds it is quite dry, but if it will not show the vapor of the breath then it is not quite <sup>dry</sup>. You must not <m>gild</m> with matte <m>gold</m> after having <m>gilded</m> but wait one day or one night. Thus, being dry, it will grip the <m>gold</m>. After that, varnish.





<ab>To make beautiful matte <m>gold</m> put in a bit of varnish or greasy <m>oil</m>, not the kind that is made from cleaning brushes but the kind that is made greasy in the sun, or mix with <m>ceruse</m>.</ab>


<ab>Matte <m>gold</m> of this kind is scarcely less beautiful than the burnished <sup>gold</sup> and lasts longer in the rain and otherwise, and <sup>is</sup> made more quickly. Burnished <m>gold</m> cracks with time and is damaged in the rain.</ab>




When <m>gold</m> color starts to adhere, this is a sign that in ten or twelve hours it will be dry and ready for <m>gilding</m>.</note>



Gild Molding




Rabbit Skin Glue

Lab Inventory: Fridge

Lamp black

Lab Inventory : 100g, SE

Red Lead (Minium)

Lab Inventory: 50g, NW

Yellow Lead (Massicot)

Lab Inventory: 500g, NE

Brown Ochre (Ochre de ru[b][c][d])

Lab Inventory: 100g, SE

Yellow ochre

Lab Inventory: 5g, SE

Linseed Oil (stand)

Lab Inventory: 250 ml under SW fume hood

Gold Leaf

Lab Inventory: 25 each, NW

Varnish (Lab)[e]

Lab Inventory




Glass plate and muller

Lab Inventory


Lab Inventory

Flat paintbrush (rsg)

Lab Inventory

Paintbrush (oil)

Lab Inventory

100 ml glass beaker, tin can

Lab Inventory

Panel 01

Lab Inventory


Lab Inventory

Hot plate,

Lab Inventory


Lab Inventory


Lab Inventory


Protocol/ Workflow

Tuesday Afternoon

Preparation of the frame

  1. Polish surface of the panel (Panel 01: squares 4A-C, 5A-C) with horsetail
  2. Set up double boiler apparatus
  3. Reheat rabbit skin glue to 40-60 C
  4. Measure out ~ 5ml of rsg in 100 ml beaker
  5. Add spatula full of lamp black to rsg and mix or until rsg is sufficiently black
  6. Use flat tip brush to apply one coat of rsg + lamp black to polished squares
  7. Leave to dry
  8. Polish with horsetail until smooth

Thursday Morning

  1. Place down newspaper on the interior of fume hood (NW), tape to secure.
  2. Move panel prepared with lamp black into the fume hood
  3. Place out oil paint brush, glass plate, and muller
  1. Label glass plate with T1, T2, T3 quadrants
  1. Place excess yellow ochre in plastic container on newspaper
  2. Cover scale with saran wrap
  3. Place out 4 empty dishes labeled red lead, yellow lead, ochre de ru and yellow ochre
  4. Place out 2 plastic containers with linseed oil for cleaning
  5. Place out mineral oil in plastic container for cleaning
  6. Place out paper towels, container for lead contaminated paper towels

  1. Measure out 1 g of red lead transfer to red lead container
  2. Mix with linseed stand oil in plastic dish
  1. Add linseed oil  incrementally using syringe to determine ideal consistency
  2. Note this amount and add to subsequent trials
  1. Measure out 1 g of yellow lead transfer to yellow lead container
  2. Mix with linseed stand oil in plastic dish
  3. Measure out 1 g of ochre de ru transfer to ochre de ru container
  4. Mix with linseed stand oil in plastic dish
  5. Measure out 1 g of yellow ochre transfer to yellow ochre container
  6. Mix with linseed stand oil in plastic dish

Preparation of paint

  1. T1: Mix linseed stand oil with red lead, yellow lead, ochre de ru, and yellow ochre (1:1:2:1)
  2. T2: Mix linseed stand oil with red lead, yellow lead, ochre de ru, and yellow ochre (1:0:1:½ )
  3. T3: Mix linseed stand oil with red lead, yellow lead, ochre de ru, and yellow ochre (0:1:1: ½)

Application of paint

  1. Apply T1 mixture to squares 4A and 5A
  2. Appy T2 mixture to squares 4B and 5B
  3. Apply T3 mixture to squares 4C and 5C

Friday Morning

Application of gold leaf

  1. Wait 24hrs and apply gold leaf to squares 4A, 4B, 4C

Monday Morning

Application of gold leaf

  1. Wait (longer) hrs and apply gold leaf to squares 5A, 5B, 5C

(Friday Morning and Monday Morning)

Application of Varnish[f]

  1. Observe the applied gold leaf and determine if you need to wait to apply varnish (believe it can be applied immediately)
  2. Apply varnish to only ½ of each square to see difference between two surfaces

T1 (Varnish)

T1(No Varnish)

T2 (Varnish)

T2 (No Varnish)

T3 (Varnish)

T3 (No Varnish)

24 hrs dry

(Gold Color)

24hrs dry

(Gold Leaf)

48 hrs dry

(Gold Color)

48 hrs dry

(Gold Leaf)


Red Lead (Minium)

Hazard Statements

H272        May intensify fire; oxidiser.
H302        Harmful if swallowed.
H332        Harmful if inhaled.
H319        Causes serious eye irritation.
H360        May damage fertility or the unborn child.
H373        May cause damage to organs.
H410        Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Precautionary Statements

P201        Obtain special instructions before use.
P210        Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking.
P221        Take any precaution to avoid mixing with combustibles/organic material.
P260        Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.
P271        Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P281        Use personal protective equipment as required.
P220        Keep/Store away from clothing/organic material/combustible materials.
P270        Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
P273        Avoid release to the environment.
P280        Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection

Yellow Lead (Massicot)

Hazard Statements

H302        Harmful if swallowed.
H332        Harmful if inhaled.
H360        May damage fertility or the unborn child.
H373        May cause damage to organs.
H410        Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Precautionary Statements

P201        Obtain special instructions before use.
P260        Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.
P271        Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P281        Use personal protective equipment as required.
P264        Wash all exposed external body areas thoroughly after handling.
P270        Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
P273        Avoid release to the environment.

Linseed Oil

Hazard Statements

H319        Causes serious eye irritation.
H335        May cause respiratory irritation.

Precautionary Statements

P271        Use in a well-ventilated area.
P261        Avoid breathing mist/vapours/spray.
P280        Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.


Waste Management

Cleaning protocol

Glass plate and muller


Paint Containers

Take container of lead contaminated paper towels and dispose of in lead solid waste

Take soiled linseed oil (from cleaning plate and brushes) and dispose of in lead liquid waste

Place excess linseed oil in non-hazardous liquid waste

Collect newspaper and dispose in solid lead waste

Wipe down fume hood with paper towels dispose in solid lead waste

Wash surfaces in fume hood with soap and water

Dispose of rsg + lamp black in drain

In case of fire when working with lead

First close fume hood





If needed use the silver fire extinguisher : Pull Aim Squezze (the handle) Sweep


Tuesday afternoon - lampblack and rsg to all squares

Thursday morning - mix and apply lead layers

Friday morning - Gild first set (24 hours)

Monday class - gild second set (96 hours)

Experiment 1

(Before Varnish Application)

T1* (No Varnish)

T2* (No Varnish)

T3* (No Varnish)

24 hrs dry

(Gold Color)

24hrs dry

(Gold Leaf)



[a]Ah, l'or moulu, this should be translated as (from your notes): Jonathan Thornton this actually means powdered gold!

[b]Do we need to order this?

[c]Specify what this is and what you will be using from the inventory

[d]Cleo: darker yellow ochre, I purchased an ochre we can use from Kremer

[e]Get Info on production

[f]Won't be performing this part of the experiment on Day 1. Will develop separate protocol for this portion.