Workflow and Safety Protocol for [Aluminum Bronze (?)]





<head>To make bronze the color of gold</head>

<ab>Take <m>copper</m> filings, <m>ochre</m>, <m>gum</m>, and <m>alum</m>, grind it all together in a <m>stone</m> mortar, and when it is well ground, lay it as needed with a paintbrush, and then polish it with m>wolf tooth</m> or <m>dog tooth</m>.</ab>


Materials Needed:



Copper Filings

Copper Powder

Lab Inventory:

Cu Foil, 2, 25ft; NE

Art Molds

Yellow Ochre

Lab Inventory:

5 g, burgundy yellow


Gum arabic

Lab Inventory:


Aluminum Sulfate

Potassium Aluminum Sulfate

Lab Inventory:

1 lb; NE

750 g; SE


Tools Needed:



Stone Mortar

Lab Inventory:


Lab Inventory:

Painting Surface

Lab Inventory:

Gessoed Panel

Workstation Setup (where will you work? how will your workstation be prepared?):

Outline of your Experiment (what will be your workflow, start to finish? ):


MATERIAL 1: Copper (powder)

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

MATERIAL Alum (Aluminum Sulphate)

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

MATERIAL Alum (Potassium Aluminum Sulphate)

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

MATERIAL 4 Gum Arabic

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

MATERIAL Yellow Ochre

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

MATERIAL Wolftooth/Dogtooth

Hazard statements from MSDSs for Various Materials:

Safety Precautions:

Waste Management Plan:

[Further Materials Here]
