Sand Casting with Alabaster


<title id=”p083r_a6”>Sable excellent</title>

<ab id=”p083r_b6”>Albastre calcine dans un crusol a foeu de charbon tant quen le<lb/>
touchant il vienne en pouldre Esta{n}t froit pulverises le subtilem{ent}<lb/>
& passes par un double tamis & le rendes co{mm}e impalpable Et d avecq<lb/>
une lb de albastre il fault une de sel armoniac Mesles bien<lb/>
& incorpores tout ensemble Puys le mettes dans une cave cave ou<lb/>
lieu humide et de ceste paste moulles ce quil vous fauldra & apres<lb/>
seiches le moule au foeu & y gectes tel metal quil vous plaira<lb/>
pendant que le sable est chault & vous gecteres aussy net que le principal<lb/>
& le sable sert tousjours le mectant en lieu humide & seichant au foeu</ab>

<ab id=”p083r_b6”>Burn alabaster in a crusol under charcoal fire until it turns into powder. Once [it is] cold, finely pulverise it through a sieve to make it impalpable. With a pound of alabaster, one should use an ounce of sal ammoniac. Mix well and incorporate everything together. Next, put it in a cave or a wet location. And with this paste, mold whatever you need and then dry the mold under a fire. While the sand is hot, you cast whatever metal you may like and your cast will be as neat as the principal. And the sand [will]always work if it is kept in a wet location and dried by the fire.</ab>

NAME: Celia Durkin and Sofia Gans
DATE AND TIME: Monday Feb 23, 2015 10:00 am 69 degrees F
LOCATION: 260 Chandler
SUBJECT: Burning Alabaster

Burning Alabaster

Table of Contents

Burning Alabaster
Grinding Calcined Alabaster/ Mixing it with Sal Ammoniac
Moistening mixture, Packing sand, Baking Molds
Notes on Translation:
Procedural Notes:
Materials: solid gypsum alabaster stone, ordered from Amazon

DATE AND TIME: Weds, Feb 25, 2015 9:00 am 69 degrees F
LOCATION: 260 Chandler
SUBJECT: Grinding Calcined Alabaster/ Mixing it will Sal Amoniac

Grinding Calcined Alabaster/ Mixing it with Sal Ammoniac

DATE AND TIME: Thurs, Feb 26, 2015 9:00 am 69.3 degrees F
LOCATION: 260 Chandler
SUBJECT: Moistening mixture, packing sand, baking molds

Moistening mixture, Packing sand, Baking Molds


Notes on Translation:

Procedural Notes: