
Table of Contents

Questions and related recipes:
Initial molding in plaster
Molding second part of the 2-piece mold
Releasing the clay base:
Making grape mold:
Making pear mold:
Opening and soaking the molds
Opening the Grapes
Soaking the molds
Heating and Pouring the Sugar
State of the molds:
Heating the sugar:
Pouring the sugar:
Opening the molds
Conclusions from first trial:
Sugar Casting, fol. 126r

<title id=“p126r_a1”>Mouler fruicts en sucre<lb/>
et animaulx </title>

<ab id=“p126r_b1”>Le sucre est gras et diceluy on gecte bien choses rondes<lb/>
& gros muscles Mays malaisem[{ent}] choses subtiles & delicates<lb/>
Toutesfois essaye le sucre fort clarifie Il fault tremper<lb/>
toute une nuict ou un jour le moule de plastre plustost que gecter<lb/>
le sucre affin quil soit bien abreuve deau & ne boive pas<lb/>
le cirop Il fault aussy quil soict bien en despouille<lb/>
Car le sucre est aigre & brusc En fin ne pense de gecter<lb/>
rien en sucre qui ne soict bien en despouille Et qui ne se<lb/>
puisse nettement mouler en deulx parties pour souvrir<lb/>
quand besoing sera Si tu veulx mouler un raisin Il le<lb/>
fault prendre co{mm}e touts aultres fruictz en sa vigueur<lb/>
naifve Car sil est fretri Il ne viendra de mesme Advise<lb/>
doncq de faire tes moules en la naturelle saison de<lb/>
que chasque chose Le raisin co{mmun}ement quon veult<lb/>
gecter en sucre se faict artificiellement ou avecq de la<lb/>
cire ou terre ou avecq des grains mesmes raportes<lb/>
avecq de la cire fondue sur quelque plaste & chose pleine<lb/>
de facon quils soient bien seres et en despouille & ne<lb/>
facent qune moictie Ou bien si tu as de ces raisins quon<lb/>
apelle chauches ou sauvignons qui ont le grain fort<lb/>
presse Enchasse la moictie diceluy sur dans la plaste<lb/>
dardille Et gecte sur laultre moitie et sil y a quelque<lb/>
grain qui ne soit en despouille arrache le Note quen<lb/>
sucre ne mesmes en metal le raisin qui ha les grains clairs<lb/>
& separes ne se peult bonnement gecter pourceque les bouts de<lb/>
la grappe seroient si subtils mesmement si le raisin est gard[e]<lb/>
quil ne pourroit soubstenir les grains massifs Par ain[sy]<lb/>
il fauldroit gecter creux Ce que tu ne pourrois si le raisin
nest reserre des grains & moules sans les avoir espars & clai[r]<lb/>
<title id=“p126r_a1”>Molding fruits and animals in sugar</title>
<ab id=“p126r_b1”>Sugar is fatty, and, with it, round things and large muscles are cast well but fine and delicate things [are cast with] difficulty. However, try well-purified sugar. The plaster mold must be soaked in water for a full night or a full day before casting sugar so that it [the mold] is saturated with water and does not soak up the syrup [the sugar mixture]. The [plaster] mold must also be stripped very well from it [the sugar], because sugar is sour and brittle. Thus, do not cast anything with sugar which is not stripped easily from it, and which can not be neatly molded in two parts to open as will be needed. If you want to mold a grape, you must get it when it is very fresh; because if it is withered, it [the cast] will look the same. See to it, thus, that you make your molds in the natural season for each thing [fruit]. Grapes that one wants to cast in sugar are man-made, either with wax or earth or with grapes molded with melted wax, on some dish [plaste & chose pleine] in a way so that they are pressed closely together and easily stripped from it. And only a half [of the grapes] should be molded. Or, if you have some of those grapes called chauches or sauvignons which have well-pressed grapes, set half of the grapes in the dish of clay, and cast on the other half, and if any grape is not stripped from it, pluck it out. Note that a grape whose grapes are set apart and separated cannot mold well in either sugar or metal because the ends of the cluster are so fine. Similarly, if the grape is kept, that it cannot hold the bunched grapes. Therefore, a hollow should be cast, which you will not be capable of if the grape is not close together and without having them spread apart.</ab>

Questions and related recipes:

What is the process of "sugar attacking itself?"

(Starch, as we found out)

Will the plaster mold dissolve in the cold water?

And hot water softens it [plaster] more than cold water [which] does not penetrate it [plaster] as [it does] mixed plaster because it [plaster] is stronger and mixed plaster is spongier. Medals are cast from this powdered, reheated plaster, [and the medals] will be waterproof as though they were varnished. In Germany, people hang these medals on houses. See to it that the water is very hot, and if the water is boiling, it will not endanger [it]. All molds [made] of plaster only or molds [made of] mixed plaster are stripped from it.

p125r_b1">When you mold something in order to cast with wax, first mold only plaster, you mold with plaster [that is] only reheated after [it] has been pulverized. Because, once [it] has been reheated on the stone slab, the outside[832] is burnt, and the inside remains nearly unburnt[833]. Transparent grey plaster is not strong, but the good one [plaster] becomes white once it has been soaked, and [it] sets well quickly. Nevertheless I have found the grey [plaster] to be quite firm and hard after it has set, but it takes longer [to work with it]. Know the nature of each. You will never mold very neatly if you do not soak until it is quite clear and liquid, your plaster or the core[834]'s sand. Soak it straight away after it has been reheated.
Will the pear come out hollow?

"sugar is fatty?"
"sugar is sour and brittle"

p126v_c1a">Sugar hardens very much, nothing harder is known. It provides a mould which suck the mixture and which attract gold much better.

125v --Casting snakes & herbs and flowers is a strange matter, since the cavities that are between the two shells require several pieces. To cast in sugar without making a casting, they are molded from plaster, as works for anything you like.

NAME: Celia Durkin and Sofia Gans
DATE AND TIME: April 1, 2015, 9:00AM
LOCATION: 260 Chandler

Initial molding in plaster



NAME: Celia Durkin and Sofia Gans
DATE AND TIME: April 6, 2015, 9:00AM
LOCATION: 260 Chandler

Molding second part of the 2-piece mold

Releasing the clay base:

Making grape mold:

Making pear mold:

NAME: Celia Durkin and Sofia Gans
DATE AND TIME: April 8, 2015, 9:00AM
LOCATION: 260 Chandler

Opening and soaking the molds


Opening the Grapes
Soaking the molds

NAME: Celia Durkin and Sofia Gans
DATE AND TIME: April 9, 2015, 9:00AM
LOCATION: 260 Chandler

Heating and Pouring the Sugar

State of the molds:

Heating the sugar:

Pouring the sugar:


NAME: Celia Durkin and Sofia Gans
DATE AND TIME: April 13, 2015, 10:00AM
LOCATION: 260 Chandler

Opening the molds


Conclusions from first trial: