Wheat Starch Glue

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Wheat Starch Glue
2016.April.8th, 10:30 am
MsFr 640 Recipe:
Fol 10v
Supplemental Recipe:
Other Sources:
Lila Goldenberg
Date and Time:

2016.April.8th, 10:30 am

Location: Chander 260

MsFr 640 Recipe:

Fol 10v


<head>Assiete d<m>or</m> de foeuille sur <m>parchemin</m></lb>
ou <m>papier</m></head>

<ab>Fais colle d<m>amydon</m> fort clere & qui ne demonstre poinct</lb>
avoyr de corps Et en fais six ou cinq couches & sur la</lb>
derniere estant demy seiche aplique ton <m>or</m></ab>


<head>Layer of <m>gold</m> leaf on <m>parchment</m> or <m>paper</m></head>

<ab>Make a very transparent <m>starch glue</m> <sup><m>colle d’amydon</m></sup> with little body. And apply six or five layers, and when the last is almost dry, apply your <m>gold</m>.</ab>

Supplemental Recipe:

From Cennino Cennini, Il Libro D'arte (translation by Lara Brocke),
"How to make a batter or flour paste: Take a pipkin almost full of clear water; get it quite hot. When it is about boil, take some well-sifted flour; put it in the pipkin little by little, stirring constantly with a stick or spoon. Let it boil and do not get it too think. Take it out; put it into a porringer."

Other Sources:

University Products Instructions on making Conservation Grade Starch Paste
Conservation Survey on Wheat Starch Paste



  1. Fill pot with 500 mL distilled water and place on hot plate. 2016_002Spring_labsem_Goldenberg_StarchGlue_20160408_005
  2. When water boils slowly pour in 100 mL of wheat starch paste. 2016_002Spring_labsem_Goldenberg_StarchGlue_20160408_003
  3. Stir constantly for 10-40 minutes until the mixture smooth. 2016_002Spring_labsem_Goldenberg_StarchGlue_20160408_0082016_002Spring_labsem_Goldenberg_StarchGlue_20160408_0042016_002Spring_labsem_Goldenberg_StarchGlue_20160408_007
  4. Pour glue into beaker. Turn off hotplate. Cover with plastic wrap, label and place in fridge for up to two weeks. 2016_002Spring_labsem_Goldenberg_StarchGlue_20160408_009
