14 October 2014 Julianna Visco and Emogene Cataldo

location: 260 Chandler
activity: sandcasting

instructions based off 118v and class modifications
we brushed each of our plaster molds with dry charcoal
placed them in a metal casting box
we initially use the sand prepared by Ray and Jordan
sprinkle sand mixture onto molds in box, pressing down firmly on borders/boundaries of molds to keep them still
observation: when it is packed the sand mixture gets very hard/ difficult to manipulate
once sides are done continue adding more sprinkles of sand on top and pack it in
Halfway through we run out of sand and have to make more (to fill the larger metal box)
We sifted 3 1/2 cups of pink sand through a sieve to prepare for first half of the mold
gradually added (in 1/4 cup installments) 1 cup of water/sal ammoniac solution , 2 TBs of E&J brandy, and sal ammoniac solution;
work into (stir) correct consistency (not too wet, not too dry) to match Tonny Beentjes's model sand
This is too wet and we must add another (gradually, cumulativley) 1/4 cup of sifted sand.
The excess surface is smoothed with a knife and scraiping.
Flip over the box.
My mold falls out! We reposition it. Tonny notes this is an advantage to sandcasting over plastercasting -the mold can be repositioned/reinserted
Use dowel to make indentations in center and corners.

13 October 2014 Julianna Visco and Emogene Cataldo

location Springfield

activity research on magistery recipes Biringuccio

see pages 324 - 328
The First Chapter: Various Methods of Making Powders in Which to Cast Bronzes in the Small Art of Casting
The Second Chapter: The Method of Preparing the Salt for Giving the Magistery to the Casting Powders
The Third Chapter: Concerning the Order and Manner of Moulding with Powder in Frames or Wooden Boxes in the Small Art of Casting
The Fourth Chapter: The Method of Making Powders for Casting Every Kind of Metal in Green Sand* adn the Manner of Moulding

ingredients wool cloth cuttings, earth, spent wash ashes horse dung, crushe brick, tripoli, vine ashes tiles, glazed drainpipes calcined tin, straw burned bpaper horse dong, youn g ram's horn ashes
pumice, iron scale, magistery of salt

activity research recipes Cennini

Cennini pg 77 gesso.jpg

activity recipes Cellini

Cellini 81 casting.jpg
Cellini good clay 113.jpg