BnF Ms. Fr. 640, fol. 46v (selected recipes)

<head>Escrivain <m>huile de soufre</m></head>
Si lescrivain veult promptement netoyer sa plume de lespesseur<lb/>
de l<m>ancre</m> qui si est deseche Il ne la fault que tremper<lb/>
dans l<m>huile de soufre</m> Et incontinent elle sera blanche<lb/>
& nette Urb</ab>
<head>Effacer l{ett}re</head>
Trempe une plume a escripre dans <m>huile de soufre</m> recent<lb/>
& bon & resuicts ainsy avecq la plume trempee toutes les l{ettr}es<lb/>
& elles seffaceront sur parchemin Urb</ab>
<head>Escripre sans <m>ancre</m></head>
Escripts avecq <m>huile de soufre</m> & chaufe & la l{ett}re<lb/>
deviendra noire comme ceste cy Urb
<head>Faire l{ett}re a jour sur <m>papier</m><lb/>
et aultre ouvrage </head>
Si tu escripts <del>d</del> ou trasse quelque chose sur le <m>papier</m><lb/>
& le chaufes bien tost & incontinent il deviendra noir<lb/>
puys frottant avecq une esponge la l{ett}re se trouvera<lb/>
couppee pourcequelle sera bruslee Urb Ou bien resuicts<lb/>
la l{ett}re avecq une plume <del>de</del> essuicte</ab>
<head><m>Oil of sulfur</m> for the writer</head>
If the writer wants to quickly clean his quill of the thickness of the <m>ink</m> which dried on it, he only has to dip it in <m>oil of sulfur</m>, and immediately it will be white and clean. Urb.
<head>Erasing a letter</head>
Dip a writing quill in fresh and good <m>oil of sulfur</m> and, thus, retrace all the letters with the dipped quill and they will disappear from the parchment. Urb.
<head>Writing without <m>ink</m></head>
Write with <m>oil of sulfur</m> and heat [it], and the letter will become as black as this one. Urb.
<head>Making à jour letters in <m>paper</m> and other work</head>
If you write or trace something on the <m>paper</m> and heat it soon after, and immediately it will become black; then by rubbing with a sponge, the letter will be cut out because it will be burned. Urb. Or retrace the letter with a wiped quill.