Making entry_files with .md extension

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Making entry_files with .md extension
2017.March.4, 11:00 pm
2017.March.6, 09:00 pm
2017.March.7, 3:00 pm, 1:00 pm
Name: Sohini Chattopadhyay
Date and Time:

2017.March.4, 11:00 pm

Location: 112th Street NY 10025
I created individual entry files from my assigned folios between 157v-170v. While working on it, I noticed two entries in two folios (167r and 170v) did not have an entry identifier. Saved the files as markdown on local repository.

Name: Sohini Chattopadhyay
Date and Time:

2017.March.6, 09:00 pm

Location: 112th Street NY 10025
I added the files to the remote repository on Github through the commands git push, git commit and git add. Had to keep my local repository updated through git pull. I realized that git fetch and git merge is sometimes more useful because git pull because git merge gives a specific command to merge new versions in the remote main repository with the older version in the local repository.

Name: Sohini Chattopadhyay
Date and Time:

2017.March.7, 3:00 pm, 1:00 pm

Location: 112th Street NY 10025
I edited some files to add markdown. It is fairly easy as the commands are not at all complicated. However, I assume that specifically positioning images will require some knowledge of html. Second, the images cannot be aligned with markdow because the folios have links to the images instead of an image file with a specific image-file extension.
While markdown is extremely easy to operate to design file formats and will be useful for simple digital publishing, I wonder if the absence of knowledge of html will hinder the processes.