An Excellent Salve for Burns

Table of Contents

An Excellent Salve for Burns
Precautions and preparations
2017.04.15, 1:30-3:00 pm
2016.04.21, 3:00 pm
2016.[Month].[Day], [hh]:[mm][am/pm]


<head>Contre bruslure excellent</head>
<ab>Chaufe de l<m>huile de lin</m> a foeu doulx, sans quil bouille &amp;<lb/>
fremisse Mays co{mm}e il sera chault mects y le quart dicelle<lb/>
de la plus noeufve <m>cire</m> que tu pourras Estants fondus<lb/>
laisses les refroidir &amp; co{mm}e ilz commanceront a se cailler remue<lb/>
tousjours avecq une spatule de <m>bois</m> noeuf <del>t</del> tant que tu mettras<lb/>
a dire <del>un</del> 9 pater noster. Et co{mm}e tu les diras lave ceste composition<lb/>
avecq de l<m>eau beniste</m> tousjours remuant Ayant dict le<add>s</add><lb/>
premier <add>9</add> pater noster, verse la premiere <m>eau</m> &amp; y en remects<lb/>
de nouvelle &amp; lave &amp; remue la composition lespace que tu diras<lb/>
8 pater noster A la 3 lespace de 7 &amp; ainsy consequem{ment}<lb/>
<del>jusques</del> tu adjousteras nouvelle eau faisant co{mm}e dessus jusques<lb/>
au dernier &amp; seul pater noster de noeuf Lors tu auras un<lb/>
onguent blanc &amp; doulx duquel tu oingdras la brusleure<lb/>
lespace de 9 jours Mays ny en mects pas dadvantage<lb/>
Car il te f<del>a</del>eroit surcroistre la chair Tu <del>p</del> tepenseras<lb/>
deulx foys le jour &amp; a chasque foys tu te laveras le visaige<lb/>
avecq eau &amp; vin mesles ensemble un peu tiedes Sans frotter<lb/>
Mays co{mm}e le pressant avecq un <m>linge</m> mouille Et tu lessuyeras<lb/>
de mesme <del>aff</del> avecq un <m>linge</m> deslie &amp; apres mects lunguent<lb/>
Sur lequel tu pourras mectre des <pa>foeilles de lierre</pa> Cecy<lb/>
faict renaistre le poil &amp; ne laisse poinct cicatrice Un<lb/>
<pro>pouldrier</pro> qui sestoit presque tout brusle <del>ma</del> &amp; qui navoict<lb/>
aulcune aparence de brusleure me la enseigne</ab>


<head>Against burns, excellent</head>
<ab>Heat <m>linseed oil</m> on a light fire, without letting it boil and simmer, but once it is hot put in a quarter as much of the newest <m>wax</m> you can. After all this has melted, let it cool. And once it begins to curdle, stir continuously with a new wooden spatula for as long as it takes you to say 9 pater nosters, and while you say them, wash this composition with <m>holy water</m>, stirring all the while. Having said the first 9 pater nosters, pour out the first <m>water</m> and put in new one, and wash and stir the composition for the time it takes you to say 8 pater nosters, and the 3rd time for as long as 7, and thus successively you will add new <m>water</m>, doing the same as above, until the last and single pater noster of nine.Then you shall have a soft white ointment, with which you shall besmear the burn for 9 days. But do not apply it any longer, since it would cause an overgrowth of flesh. You shall dress your burn twice a day, and each time you shall wash your face with water and wine mixed together, a little tepid, not rubbing but so to say pressing with wet <m>linen</m>, and you shall wipe it similarly with fine <m>linen</m>. And then apply the ointment, over which you can put <m>ivy leaves</m>. This causes hair to regrow and leaves no scar. I was taught this by a <pro>powder maker</pro> who had almost completely burnt himself but showed no sign of burns.</ab>

Precautions and preparations

The recipe “excellent salve for burn” is one of the medical recipes that requires relatively fewer material while has much more instructions on the making process. At first, the process of the “washing” appears confusing in the translation. With the help the translator, I got a new English translation of the recipe which is much clear that the washing process needs nine cycles, from nine pater noster in the first cycle, gradually reducing one by one to one pater noster in the last cycle.
In order to start the reconstruction, several problem need to be resolved.

Name: Xiaomeng Liu, Sasha Grabovskiy, Ludovic Touze-Peiffer
Date and Time:

2017.04.15, 1:30-3:00 pm

Location:Chandler 260
Subject: Making burn salve

  1. Put on lab coat, gloves, safety glasses, set up the fume hood.
    1. Ingredients: linseed oil, beeswax, water
    2. Tools
      1. For measurement: scale, plastic cups
      2. For heating and wash: hot plate, pot, wooden chopsticks, jar
      3. For temperature monitoring: thermal detector
  2. Measure 100ml linseed oil, measure 25ml wax. As space between the granules of beeswax is inevitable when measuring solid beeswax, we also conducted a test by melting 50ml solid beeswax. The result was that 50 ml solid beeswax granules is approximately equal to 30ml pure wax liquid.
  3. Pour linseed oil into a pot. Heat on the hot plate. Cautiously control the heat, use the thermal detector to monitor the temperature.
  4. Stop heating when the temperature reaches 85℃, add the solid beeswax in, wait until the wax is fully melted, then turn off the hot plate.
  5. There was clear yellow liquid in the pot. As instructed by the recipe, I need to wait until it starts to curdle.
  6. After about 10 min, the liquid started to solidifying from the periphery. It was time to add “holy water” and start the process of purification.
  7. Stir by a chopstick, while Ludo repeated the pater noster. Soon a surprising change occurred during the process. The oily substance in the pot started to increase, as if water and air was being stirred into its structure. The dark yellow, viscous, oily substance gradually become whiter and creamier. The volume of the oil and wax mixture was one fifth of the pot at first;after the first cycle of washing (nine pater nosters), the volume increased to one third. When pouring water out of the pot, the amount of the water had been significantly decreased.
  8. Then we found the whole substance was cooled down and no potential hazardous situation existed. I removed the pot and beaker from the fume hood to the counter, and continued the experiment.
  9. The second cycle last for 8 pater noster, the third for 7. Each cycle reduces one pater noster than the last one. Until the 9th cycle for one pater noster. The volume of the mixture continued to increase during the process. The process was similar to beating eggs or whipping cream. In the end, we got a whole pot of very light yellow, smooth, creamy, lotion-like salve with a strong smell of linseed oil.
  10. Then I removed the salve to a jar and sealed it up. I also notice that water kept coming out from the salve during the removing process. The physical condition of the salve is not very stable.

Name: Xiaomeng Liu
Date and Time:

2016.04.21, 3:00 pm

Location:Chandler 260
Subject: Observing the salve after about one week

After one week, more water came out, the volume of the slave shrunk about two thirds. It was no longer as creamy as before, while the light yellow color remained.

Name: (Also the name of your working partner)
Date and Time:

2016.[Month].[Day], [hh]:[mm][am/pm]
