NAME: Celia Durkin
DATE AND TIME: March 9, 2015, 10:00 am
LOCATION: Chandler 260
SUBJECT:Molding Asparagus with plaster

p126v - Plaster

Recipes/ notes used

<title id=”p126v_a3”>Plants that are burned in the core with difficulty</title>

<ab id=”p126v_b3a”>Every kind of herbage which have a stem as hard as wood, like asparagus or thyme, are burnt in the core with difficulty, because these stems turn into coal inside the small pipes, and do not turn into ashes, that’s why it isn’t possible to empty and clear the mould. For this reason some people do reheat it twice or 3 times. Other people mix several herbages in the mould, and put a fillet through the herbages and the rounds made of earth and where you put the soaked sand.</ab>

note id="p117v_c1a">La tige de lasperge est si</lb>
dure que le plus souvent elle demeure</lb>
en charbon par ainsy fais la</lb>
plustost seicher ou la trempe dhuile</lb>
de soufre & de tourmentine</lb>
Ou bien gecte</lb>
separement les</lb>
petites branches</lb>
& les soulde sur</lb>
une grosse tige tiree</lb>
par la filiiere</note>

note id=”p117v_c1a”>The asparagus stalk is so hard that most often it perseveres as charcoal. Because of this, do it rather dried out or wet it with sulfur oil & that of turpentine, or indeed cast the little branches separately & solder them onto a fat stalk drawn through with a wire.</note>



Fixing the asparagus

Building the Base and Sprue System

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Mixing the Sand/ Pouring the mold
